Building Wealth By Design

Benchmark Your Beach House For True Success

What do you compare performance to? Do you just want positive returns? How important is beating the S&P 500? Are you just happy that your plan is on track? Knowing your return preference is important because it should align with the type of portfolio you have.

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Investment Wisdom From the World's Best Poker Player

There are many lessons an investor can learn from studying Ivey’s approach to the game of poker. My takeaways from this time studying Ivey are below...

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The Fed Has Painted Itself Into A Corner

The generally accepted definition of a bear market is a twenty percent drop in price from a previous high. Today’s ugly market action has pushed the precious S&P 500 beyond that threshold and into bear market territory.

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How Inflation Can Go Up And Down At The Same Time

What if I told you that in one year you would be paying much more for goods and services than today but the government would be touting a reduction in inflation by over 50%? It’s true. How?

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Life Lessons From The Mexican Fisherman

We are all trying to achieve a lifestyle of comfort, happiness, and fulfillment. Yes, money is necessary to provide for the wants and needs of our families, but it is simply a tool to achieve those ends, not the end itself.

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